oreapampa 4th March 2014

Mr Tee, how is it that you are gone? I don't understand. I thought I would see you again soon. Uncle, I remember and appreciate the times you called me just to check that I was fine. I wish I had told you then. I appreciate you checking up on me and being concerned about the next phase of my life. You loved me and all your nieces and your nephews as your own. I remember being barely the height of your waist and giggling whilst I said "Mr T, please can I have some tea?" As far back as I remember I've always had my uncle, Mr T. God knows best. We love you but God loved you more and wanted you by his side. Uncle, you leaving so suddenly reminds me and I'm sure others too, that we should number our days, say what we mean and mean what we say. Let those we love know how we feel in words and actions. Appreciate life here on earth and every little blessing within it, for God can call his beloved home whenever He decides it is time. Uncle you'll remain forever in my heart. I love you, Ore