Uncle Tunde's Fast in January...

Created by opaloapampa 10 years ago
Uncle Tunde fasted the whole month in January. He would only drink liquids during this fast. He also would go jogging in the evenings! He said he didn't just want to sit around, he'd rather keep fit as well. I also encouraged him to always have some chocolate drinks for strength et al and he'd say he's receiving all the strength he requires from above. Lol. My sister in law and I were looking forward to the end of the fast so we could make him eat all we cook everyday, lol, he lived just a few streets away. So, he did end the fast and did eat most of all we offered him even if some didn't taste well. Lol. I'm also grateful for serving him his last cup of corn soup at dinner two nights before he was called unto the LORD. The cup was too full, the jollof was too spicy...but he was ever too nice to say so.