Catherine & Ade Adeniyi 8th March 2014

A precious, humble spirit. Quiet, confident twinkle in his smile, as if he knew something everyone else did not. They say it takes a big man to do small things- Mr Tee did not feel it necessary to advertise or amplify himself: he left it to God. Our last meeting was at GB's surprise 50th (he was a co-conspirator). Would we have done anything different if we had known? Maybe insisted he should do more 'Azonto' dancing! We choose to celebrate the wonderful memories he brought into our lives and trust the Lord will uphold the close knit Apampa family. To all who hurt now, please try to let your every remembrance of your loss trigger you to open the door to God's presence. Let it trigger a thankful heart, & a prayer- 'WE TRUST YOU LORD'. God has made an incredible resource of grace available to we all who grieve- avail yourself of it. We already are. (just opened the door again) Abimbola & Shade Adeniyi